Love & Relationships

How To Become A Love Magnet

If the long-celebrated annual romantic event of St. Valentine’s Day on February 14th makes you feel lovelorn, it’s time to raise your vibe and become a love magnet.

To attract a healthy and loving relationship, you need to let go of previous heartache and emotional baggage, practice self-love, and get clear on what you value and want in your love life.

A ‘love magnet’ has the power to attract a connection that is perfectly aligned to their frequency of amour.

Dump Emotional Baggage

Are you living in the past and constantly pondering over ‘what might have been?’ if your previous relationship had gone the distance? Do you wonder why the intense love feelings quickly disappear, when you’re all loved-up with someone new?

No matter how many times your heart has been broken, it’s definitely possible to heal from hurt and become someone who feels happy and loved.

To attract a loving relationship that is reciprocal, you need to dump your emotional baggage fast. The emotional pain that lingers after a failed or hurtful relationship breakup acts like a romance deterrent and repels suitors who are keen to express feelings of genuine love.

When you’re giving out a needy vibe, only love that offers more potential pain is magnetised to you. It’s crucial that you learn how to appreciate, value and love yourself, before you give your full attention and love to someone else.

The 3 Types Of Love

Another reason why it’s essential that you dump emotional baggage ASAP, is that it impacts on the type of love that can magnetise to you.

  • It’ll-do-for-now-love

If you’ve worked hard at elevating your love vibe by focusing on yourself, you’ll be feeling positive and confident, and keen to make it’ll-do-for-now-love connections during the month that is synonymous with romance.

As a novice love magnet, you’ll have no problem grabbing the attention of suitors that want to hook up for a mutual ego boost. Don’t expect this type of love to last too long though.

  • Soul mate love

Every once in a while you may encounter someone who magically appears in your life and completely transforms it. A soul mate romantic love connection can be intense and passionate, but also greatly challenging.

A soul mate connection draws two people together to fulfill the desire of their souls. While this type of love can teach you how to love unconditionally, not all soul mate lovers stay together forever.

  • True love

If you’ve committed to the sacred practice of healing your heart after experiencing all dimensions of love, heartbreak and unrequited love, it’s possible to become a love magnet that effortlessly draws long-lasting true love towards you.

The rare Twin Flame union is reserved for individuals who have raised their love vibe and level of spiritual awareness to great heights.

Love Magnet Know-How

Instead of wallowing in self-pity because there isn’t a huge pile of Valentine cards on your doormat this year, set the intention to become a love magnet, and follow these guidelines…

There is always love all around you, but you have to alter your perspective about what St. Valentine’s Day is all about in order to be able to sense it and see it. Celebrate love by valuing and appreciating the meaningful little things in your life that give you a feeling of joy.

Make St. Valentine’s Day a special time for you and those you love – including family, friends and your pets.

If you’re single, have fun daydreaming about an imaginary version of Mr or Ms Right. Consider personal values, and their character and personality traits that most appeal to you.

Visualise you and your future beloved together in the committed love relationship of your dreams. Pay attention to how you feel, when you visualise the romantic scenario. A love magnet plugs into this high vibe ‘feeling’ on a daily basis to align and synchronise with romantic opportunities.

Have a love tarot reading with an experienced psychic reader to help you understand your repetitive patterns of behaviour in romantic relationships. Your reader will be able to tell you if the person you’re presently interested in is your ideal love match, or if your perfect partner is yet to cross your path.

As a love magnet, you have the power to create the love life that you want. All you have to do is be authentically you!

To find out if love is in your future, contact our dedicated psychics today.